Comments on: Should You Make Your Own Website? A rundown of what you’ll need. By Web Designers for Web Designers Wed, 17 May 2017 00:09:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Albo P. Fossa Wed, 17 May 2017 00:09:00 +0000 N.b. The most important is a domain name. It can be a real booger to think of a good one. You may sweat blood to think of one that’s both effective and not taken. Try and try and try. Blood, sweat, and tears. Once you have a domain name registered, you can take your time with the rest. Hosting will come next. There are several websites with good reviews of hosts (one of which I rely upon but whose name I dare not mention for fear of polluting this comment). Find them. Next, emails: support at domain, info at domain, and so on. *Then* build your site. You can go the auto root like a Sitebuilder, or hire a pro, or use WordPress. Or use something like FileZilla (free!) for FTP. Don’t fear: even a dolt like me could do it. (Except I flunked the essential first part, so far: my domain name choices have been yawners.)
